DVM works to assist Community and Faith Based (Host) Organizations: as a support group. We focus on the challenge of identifying transferable skills for employers and job seekers, faith based and charitable foundations and how businesses and talent can come together in meaningful ways.
DVM assists and provides referrals in the design of posters, flyers and form letters. We assist with delivering drafts to the printers and assist the host organization in the distribution of the same.
DVM sets up and maintains a telephone tree to contact and remind the community leaders and faith-based personnel of the event as well as to encourage their participation at little or no cost. We act as the liaison between the participants and the host organization, negotiate honorariums and various costs/fees for facility and equipment use for the host organization (Host organization is responsible for it's own record keeping, Grant and other necessary financial reports) and assist and guide host organizations in establishing planning meetings (time, location, agenda) for certain events.
DVMwill keep active lists of participants, possible speakers, presenters, vendors and personnel to do In-Kind services (Set-up tables/chairs, clean-up following the event and sometimes act as servers when food is involved, Room decorations, etc.)
DVM provides assistance with the host organization ticket sales & collection. (Host organization is responsible for keeping track of ticket moneys or any cash earned during the events). We provide services to assist organizations in planning, and implementing gospel and youth community events.
DVM implements Adult and Youth Career empowerment workshops in community centers and faith based facilities for participants and vendors (vendors are responsible for any costs incurred). We aid and assist host organizations in securing venues. Often used in multiply venues i.e funding to foster entrepreneurship and economic recovery in communities hardest hit by global economic crisis. The activity should provide resources for the economic depressed or indigent citizens or the youth population. We are committed to supporting communities where we work and live. We apply our intellectual skills and expertise to the success of a range of projects and organizations that are innovative in their approach to improving the economic and social conditions of communities in need.
DVM's initiative develops and supports innovative projects that negate violence in the community. We focus our resources on producing youth that are fit for retaining employment that have been hardest hit by the global economic crisis.
DVM’s vision is to become a national model for fostering non-profit, charitable entrepreneurship through higher education for adults and youth. We attract non-profit businesses and individuals willing to assist host organizations in facilitating activities at little to no cost for community event, faith-base organizations.
DVM will help aspiring youth entrepreneurs transform untested ideas into vital businesses that lead to economic revitalization by providing practical skills, seasoned advice and professional contacts and sustained period of job growth depends on the creativity, innovation and ultimate success of entrepreneurs in creating new businesses.
DVM is committed to educating youth and low-income neighborhoods to be “globally conscious and globally competitive”. We plan to dedicate our time and talents to the a wide range of agencies to provide various unit's assistance and engage in mentoring, teaching, classes, upgrading technology, and assisting in donations, fundraising and provide professional development support including budgeting and management training.
Please contact us for more information.